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Come as you are!

Our Christian Science church holds two weekly services—one on Sunday morning and one on Wednesday evening. Everyone is welcome! Child care is provided at all services and Sunday School convenes at the same time as the Sunday morning service.

  • Sunday morning service (and Sunday School): 10:30 – 11:30am

  • Wednesday testimony meeting: 7:00-8:00 pm

  • We also have a special Thanksgiving Day service on Thanksgiving morning at 10:30 am


Meeting ID: 657 524 2204

Sunday Services
Wednesday Meetng

Sunday morning service

The Sunday service has music, readings, hymns, and prayer. The heart of it is a Bible lesson read by two Readers with citations from the King James Bible and Science and Health. The topic and citations are published in the Christian Science Quarterly which you can buy at any Christian Science Reading Room. We call this our Lesson-Sermon because you can study the readings as a lesson during the week and then hear them read as a sermon on Sunday.

Order of Sunday service

Instrumental prelude
Hymn (congregation sings)
Scriptural selection
Silent prayer-Lord’s prayer
Vocal solo (with accompaniment)
Lesson-Sermon (from the King James Bible and Science and Health)

Wednesday evening meeting

​Wednesday evening meetings are similar to Sunday, but a bit less formal. The first half consists of readings the First Reader has put together specifically for that church service (from the same two books, we call them our “Pastor”). And the second half is open to testimonies from the congregation. Anyone in the audience can stand up and share a testimony of healing, or an insight or remark relating to their study of Christian Science. Sometimes there are quiet patches and sometimes you can’t get a word in edgewise.

Order of Wednesday meeting

Instrumental prelude
Hymn (congregation sings)
Readings (from The Bible and Science and Health)
Silent prayer-Lord’s prayer
Testimonies of healing

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Third Church of Christ, Scientist, Sarasota, FL

 7660 Curtiss Ave, Sarasota FL 34231 (at the corner of Beneva and Curtiss)  |  Tel: 941-260-9642

Service Hours

Sunday: 10:30 am, Sunday School: 10:30 am

Wednesday: 7:00 pm

Reading Room Open: Tuesdays, 1-4:00, Thursdays 10-1:00

Child Care Available for All Services

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